Dokumentation & API'er

Er du jagt efter, hvordan du kan oprette forbindelse til vores platforme eller LINK SMS Gateway? Så behøver du ikke lede længere! Tilslut Omnichannel Messaging til dine eksisterende platforme, systemer og applikationer ved hjælp af dine foretrukne API'er,

Dokumentation og API

Nem integration

Du kan her finde de nyeste versioner af vores API dokumentationer nedenfor. For at kunne bruge disse API'er skal du have en gyldig konto og legitimationsoplysninger for at starte integrationsprocessen.

Kontakt dit lokale LINK Mobility kontor for at få adgang eller for at tale med vores support teams. Bemærk venligst, at API dokumentationen kan varierer for hvert marked.


This document describes the API to send SMS messages through the LINK “Common” platform. It will also describe the mechanism for delivering to your platform and Delivery Reports for each message sent.

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Gate API

This API provides details on the gate object, which is used to configure callbacks to your own systems. for example for delivery reports or incomming messages to your keywords or virtual numbers.

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Intouch REST API

This document describes the API to perform address lookups based on phone number (MSISDN), social security number (SSN), or queries.

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Keyword API

This API describes the methods within the API for creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting keywords towards the Common API.

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Premium Transaction Refunds

This document outlines the API used to perform refunds of Premium (overcharged) SMS messages. This API applies if your end-user has been billed and you're required to provide a refund.

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Inbound Mobile Originated (MO) Messaging API

This API provides the information you need to receive SMS inbound mobile originated messages through the LINK Common platform.

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This document describes the SMPP interface for SMS messaging and includes the parameters and commands that are required and are supported.

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Mobile Invoice API

Our Payment API makes it easy to accept and integrate payments into your app or website. Quickly integrate our Mobile Invoice API using this guide and selecting from the range of SDKs.

Developer Documentation

WhatsApp Business API

Communicate with your customers using one of the most popular communications channels globally.

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LINK Conversations API

LINK Conversations can help you reach more customers and leads. This specification provides the necessary information in order to integrate this API.

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MarketingPlatform API

MarketingPlatform API allows you to integrate your other IT systems with MarketingPlatform. In addition to the option of making your own integrations with our API, we have a large number of premade integrations with leading CMS, Webshop, CRM and POS solutions.

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The MyLINK SMS API on our CPaaS platform offers customers scalable SMS functionality via the myLINK portal.

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Har du spørgsmål til vores dokumentation og API'er eller har du behov for hjælp til at implementere en af vores løsninger?

"Hos LINK tror vi på, at vi opnår de bedste relationer og resultater gennem personlig, ærlig og lokal support! Vores support team står klar til at besvare alle dine spørgsmål."

Mads Bundgaard, Senior Service Coordinator