
LINK Mobility provides innovative omnichannel communications services to many industries. See some of our examples.

LINK Hero Industries


Transforming transportation and logistics through omnichannel experiences

Transport and logistics companies can access a single, integrated platform to communicate with customers and employees throughout the journey.

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Travel and Tourism

Stay ahead of the competition with LINK: Mobile communications that elevate the customer experience. Be available to customers throughout their entire journey, using any channel.

Go To Travel and Tourism


Digitalization has rapidly changed the healthcare sector, allowing healthcare providers and pharmacies to create engaging interactions with their patients. Patients now have new standards when it comes to service and quality care, expecting round the clock access to providers.

Go To Healthcare

Stay up close and personal with your marketing

Leverage the power of omnichannel marketing: conversational, automated, and personalized responses on the right channel at the right time. Watch conversions rocket by engaging your customers with personalized responses in real time.

Go To Advertising & Marketing
LINK Government services image

Community Engagement at Every Turn

Creating a Digital Society with LINK

With two-way communication across digital channels, you can increase efficiency and reduce costs while transforming interactions and service delivery to all citizens. LINK´s omnichannel Communications Platform as a service (CPaaS) revolutionizes how governments can reach communities across all services within the public sector.

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Retail and e-commerce Image

Retail and e-Commerce

Promote retail footfall with engaging communication campaigns. Flexible omnichannel solutions for improved customer experience.

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Develop long-lasting relationships based on trust

Offering a secure, excellent digital customer experience across the most popular channels. Our solutions are tailored specifically for financial services, providing unmatched uptime and omnichannel functionality.

Go To Banking and Finance

Contact us

Would you like more information on how our communications products can help your business, or are you interested in receiving a tailored offer? Contact us today - we look forward to hearing from you!