Messaging Channels

Send and receive personal, secure messaging from LINK on customers' preferred channels. Go omnichannel and transition from one channel to another with ease.

Messaging Channels

SMS messaging

Send and receive SMS text messages on a global scale using our enterprise platform. SMS provides global coverage independent of handset or app downloads.


RCS: Rich Communication Services

Rich and engaging interactions with your customers! Revolutionize your customer communication with RCS - the next generation of business messaging.


WhatsApp Business Solution

Engage with your customers on one of the most popular global communications channels. Starting a conversation with your customers on the channel they prefer could not be easier.

Go To WhatsApp

Viber Business Messaging

Engage your customers on their favorite channel using Viber Business to provide personalized communication.

Go To Viber


Engage with customers on their favorite platform and start meaningful conversations.

Go To Instagram

Contact us

Would you like more information on how our communications products can help your business, or are you interested in receiving a tailored offer? Contact us today - we look forward to hearing from you!