
Customer Experience to Scale Revenue Growth
Fredrik Björkman, Director of Partner Sales
LINK Mobility Group
The growing demand for a ”one-stop-shop” and faster integrations has put greater pressure on companies to partner up in order to meet the consumer needs of tomorrow.
In most “Anything-as-a-Service" organizations, widely known as XaaS, there are numerous suppliers that customers can choose from, many of them offering similar solutions for the customer’s unique challenges.
At the beginning of a market’s life cycle, companies are in a lucrative position. Once the market is saturated, however, price becomes the fastest and perhaps most common barrier in acquiring new customers. Anti-churn offers become more expensive and customer loyalty starts taking a downward spiral. To uphold the margin, companies attempt to reduce overhead costs or scale up sales to enable growth, which poses a major challenge in most mature markets.
So, what exactly differentiates companies that thrive in this trending landscape and those that barely hang on?
The answer is simple: Companies who successfully implement a customer experience strategy achieve higher customer satisfaction rates, reduce customer churn, and increase revenues. This behavior, however, is not increasing due to a few suppliers’ creativity and ability to find added value for their customers alone.
In fact, customers today are aiding in this specific type of revenue growth; placing higher demands on their suppliers, while being willing to pay more for a better experience.
The Future is Customer-Focused
If your customer service strategy ends with meeting basic customer expectations, you're not getting the full benefit of the value you can drive into your business. But once you utilize that superior customer experience to generate more repeat business, you'll start reaping the benefits of long-term, satisfied customers.
To start, companies must take the time to understand the challenges their customers are facing. And not only the ones that can be solved by their own solutions. By doing so, companies are better able to fully recognize what value-add is needed to drive their customers´ bottom line. At the same time, this does not necessitate that the onus to solve all customer challenges falls on that company’s solutions.
Here is where powerful partnerships come into play. With strategy top of mind, partnering with other suppliers or innovators who are considered experts in the field can help mitigate customer-facing issues. In turn, a broader, and usually better, solution is now at the fingertips of the company in need, without having to replace or substitute another business-critical solution. All parties benefit, creating a win-win-win situation.
Making Customer Value Easy with LINK
At LINK, we realized that we could not be the “Jack of all trades” as an evolving CPaaS provider. Hence our decision to create our own LINK Partnership Community, teaming up with a variety of integration, technology, network operators, and connector partners to give our customers a more seamless experience, with incredible value-adds.
For example, LINK has many partners who are in the startup phase of their business with limited resources and time. They can choose from a variety of solutions that are integrated with our own solutions. At this stage, LINK’s Partner Team helps take care of customer cases, such as facilitating webinars and other end-customer activities that our partners do not have the capacity for. This allows us to focus on nurturing our own resources and continuous development, keeping our services and solutions competitive.
When LINK enters a partnership, we see ourselves and our partners as part of one team, with a common goal of mutual growth and success. These strategic partnerships have increasingly helped us, and our partners discover and meet both new as well as existing unresolved customer needs.
All in all, this helps to create an enhanced customer experience, allowing them to place more trust in our brand and benefitting them in more ways than one.
Want to know how a LINK partnership can benefit you? Read about our partnership levels and benefits at https://linkmobility.com/partners.