Q4 Interim Report 2021
LINK Mobility (LINK) today reports strong revenue growth of 25% to NOK 1,297 million in the fourth quarter of 2021. LINK also continues to experience increased demand for CPaaS solutions and is relentlessly executing on its go-to-market (GTM) strategy, which includes roll-out of self-sign-up (SSU) platforms and a further growth of the partner network.
The US expansion in June 2021 opened a large new market for LINK.
Through the acquisition of Italian chatbot company Xenioo, LINK has secured an attractive solution to upsell towards existing clients and is experiencing especially high interest from the utility vertical in the US.
LINK was awarded ‘Best RCS Provider’ Platinum Winner by Juniper Research in February 2022. LINK is currently working with several global brands that are using RCS for both promotional and transactional messaging.
“We are happy to report all-time high gross profit and EBITDA figures. Through last year LINK grew significantly, closed six acquisitions and expanded to the US. The larger customer base and increased geographical reach ideally position LINK for S-curve adoption of omnichannel CPaaS solutions”, says Guillaume Van Gaver, CEO of LINK.
To read the full LINK Mobility Q4 2021 report, please go here.