Comic Con Launches Con-Bot
On April 7th-9th, Comic Con Puerto Rico (ComicConPR), one of the largest events in Latin America dedicated to fans of comics, anime, video games, and pop culture in general, took place. Over 50 thousand fans were in attendance, and yet one chatbot proved to be the greatest protagonist.
The bot, aptly named Con-Bot, and powered by LINK Mobility's solution is considered a pioneering technology for large-scale conventions and events. During the three event days, Con-Bot offered attendees all the necessary information immediately on their mobile phones. Users from Facebook Messenger and Telegram accessed a conversation with Con-Bot and received artists' schedules, a map of the exhibitors, and an itinerary of the venue's activities.
Con-Bot, in addition to being of great help to the general public, was also helpful to the organisers. Zhureida del Valle, General Manager and in charge of event strategy, points out that using a virtual assistant during Comic Con was a great way to take advantage of the time of the internal team, who avoided having to answer the same question several times on social networks. To the staff’s delight during the event, the Con-bot allowed the information booth operations to be more agile and efficient.
Users who interacted with the bot also showed positive engagement. Conversations were constant and assistance was actively received.
After reaping the rewards this year, the ComicCon PR team plans to reinstate the Con-Bot back to the show, but not without making a few more exciting upgrades.
Stay tuned as we look to report on the statistical success of the Con-Bot and demonstrate the great ROIs the PR team achieved.
The use of chatbots for large-scale events and conventions is expected to continue to grow in the coming months. Companies have found great advantages in terms of saving time and costs with the automation of repetitive tasks and, on the other hand, being able to offer a better user experience with relevant and timely information instantly.
If this story has inspired a chatbot idea in your mind, or if you’d like to discuss how a chatbot can improve your operations alike, get in touch!