7 ways MNOs can leverage the CPaaS revolution

Mobile network operators (MNOs), telecommunication operators, or carriers. Whatever you may call yourself, there is a new opportunity for you to leverage the growth of Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) by adopting a dynamic and collaborative approach.
MNOs can benefit from new channels by partnering with experienced CPaaS providers to provide a full range of communication options to their existing offering, such as RCS. This means that you can deliver the channels and services enterprises want from our APIs without having to develop the necessary infrastructure yourself. With the global CPaaS market predicted to reach $17.2 billion by 2023, it’s time MNOs get involved in the game.*
Check out our LINK Partner Community to see our other MNO partners.
Here are more tips on how you can take advantage of the CPaaS revolution:
Protect the tried-and-true revenue streams of SMS in addition to launching new and exciting channels like RCS:
You might compare this to the gradual transition from black and white TV to full color TV. MobileSquared estimates that RCS will become a 3+ billion user platform channel by the 2024, and by 2028, 3.7 billion of the 4.89 billion Android devices globally will be RCS users. Case studies from McDonald’s and Disney show an average ROI of 207%, read rate of 72.4%, and engagement rate of 82%.*
RCS can be positioned as a channel that supports both customer service and advanced marketing. RCS supports rich media and has countless benefits and use cases:
Competitors to MNOs are no longer other carriers, or even OTT players, but online advertising, print advertising, and other forms of marketing. The RCS market share is currently at 0.01% with the potential to grow to double digits in the next 10 years in a trillion dollar market.*
Read more about RCS benefits here.
Lead by example by embracing CPaaS technology within your own organization:
Direct your own marketing campaigns using channels like RCS, send updates to employees using WhatsApp, or send promotions with Viber. These are the channels customers prefer – meet them where they already are!
Stimulate usage by offering promotions on new use cases and RCS to increase adoption rate in the near term:
There are an infinite number of use cases that can be used no matter what industry your customers are in. Encourage them to take full advantage of everything CPaaS has to offer with certain discounts. For example, you can offer a special deal on the first RCS campaign.
Leverage all the carrier channels to ensure use case expansions fuel growth.
Offer inbound, outbound, short and long numbers for channels like SMS, RCS, voice, video, and apps.
Welcome the competition from OTT messaging and be willing to accept a new place in a growing market:
Sometimes moving forward means taking a temporary step back. Owning 95% market share in the A2P segment, which is experiencing annual growth of about 4%, is less attractive than accepting 80% market share in the CPaaS market which is expected to grow by 39% annually.*
Direct your salesforce to sell CPaaS solutions using CPaaS expert software – including competitor channels:
Remember, OTT channels aren’t the competition here; it’s traditional marketing and advertising. Work with an experienced CPaaS provider, like LINK Mobility, to succeed in the selling of CPaaS solutions.
CPaaS is the future of mobile communications. If you want to take the next steps to get involved in this market or are curious to learn more, get in touch.
Are you an MNO and interested in becoming part of our Partner Community? Contact us here!
Courtney Munroe, IDC, “Worldwide Communications Platform-as-a-Service Forecast, 2019–2023.” October 2019.
“RCS: The Game Changer the Industry has been waiting for” published November 2020 by MobileSquared, in association with OutThere Media
A2P revenue from 2016 to 2025. Zion Market Research, Market Study Report, Statista, FMI, Analysys Mason.